What is meant by G.E.R?
Sir G.E.R. means gross enrollment ratio.( member and
all other members laugh…member said that I mean define it?) Sorry sir I don’t
know definition of GER.
can you tell me how much percent of students that are enrolled at primary
school complete graduation?
Sir I am not aware of this figure. Sir with your
permission I can guess it..( member immediately nodded his head) I said sir
around 15 percent students that are enrolled at primary school complete degree
( and I was looking at members face for his reaction
whether it is right or wrong…and I simply member didn’t I deciced
not to take chances by disastrous guessing.)
What do you know of I.N.A.?
Sir , Indian National Army was formed in singapore under leadership of Subhas Chandra
Bose during second world war, with aim to liberate India from British Raj with the
help of Japenese forces.
Q2) Who called M.K.Gandhi as
( I
thought for many seconds..and said..) Sorry sir I am not able to recollect it.
( member answered it as Subhas Chandra Bose). I smiled slightly an said thank
you sir.
Q3) Do you support demand for
separate Vidarbha state? If yes or no explain it?
I don’t support demand Vidarbha statehood. Although there is little discontent
among the people of Vidharbha majority of population want development under the
statehood of Maharashtra .
Q4) Do you support the
creation of small states Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Uttarakhand?
creation of new states should be based local conditions, prospects of growth
and financial feasibility of the new state. Since Chattisgarh has unique
problem of interior location, predominat tribal population with
underdevelopment and naxalism. And Jharkhand with rich mineral base has good
prospects of economic growth and uttarakhand having problem of mountainous
terrain.,separate statehood will give impetus to the development of these
states. Hence I support formation of these states.
Q1) Why did you select
psychology as optional and not engineering subject although you are an
engineering subjects are very vast and its difficult to get good marks as
compared to subjects of humanities. So I selected psychology as one of the
optionals which is semi-scientific and its
interesting to study about human behaviour.
Q2) what are psychosomatic
means disorders caused due stress. These are high blood pressure, gastric
ulcers, migraine, pain in neck.
Q3) what is usefulness of
narco analysis in investigation?
in India ,
narco analysis test is not admissible as evidence in court of law. But results
of such test can be useful for police in getting direction in investigation.
Q4) how is psychology helpful
in our lives?
of psychology helps to control our stress by meditation. It also helps in
better interpersonal relations and controlling ones anger which makes ours life
peaceful with strong bonds of interpersonal relationship. Sir it is said that
although intelligence quotient( I.Q.) helps one get selected for job, its
emotional quotient(E.Q.) that decides the success in workplace and life.
Q5) whether psychology has
helped you anyway in administration?
principles of organizational psychology help in gaining leadership skills and
ability to manage staff in office by understanding there needs and nurturing
personal relationship. Sir when I was Tehsildar I faced few morchas outside my
office of around 200 people. In such morchas mob is charged against
authorities, so I use to immediately give a patient hearing to the leaders of
mob. This often dissipated the tension between mob and authorities and vent off
there anger without creating major law and order problem. Thus insight into mob
psychology helps us in maintaining law and order.
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